The Homework Club After school Care caters for children from Cashmere Primary School, Somerfield School, St Martins School and Thorrington School.
After School Care operates every school day from 3.00pm til 6.00pm at each of the following 4 venues: Cashmere, Barrington, St Martins and Beckenham. Children are collected from each of these venues.
All children must be enrolled.
Click here for more information: HWC Brochure.
Daily Plan
Meet and greet/ roll call/walk or taxi back to HWC
Group Game/healthy afternoon tea/discussion time
Homework groups/educational activities
Art and craft activity/sports activity/free choice
Pack away/quiet time
Programme closes
The Homework Club Cashmere was established in 2009. It is a member of The Oscar Network in Christchurch and has been approved by Ministry of Social Development. It caters for children from Cashmere Primary School and is based in The Epicentre (school hall).
There is a weekly plan on display at The Homework Club which outlines what the children will be doing each week. Parents are encouraged to discuss any issues, concerns or ideas with the staff. We like to work as a team to ensure the best for your child.

To book, please complete an enrolment form.
135 Hackthorne Rd, Cashmere 8022
021 274 1964 (this phone is attended 2.30pm - 6pm week days only)
The Homework Club Barrington was established in 2004 and is a member of The Oscar Network in Christchurch. It has been approved by Ministry of Social Development. Up to 40 children attend, mainly from Somerfield School. The children are met at school by 2.55pm.
The meeting point is the school playground nearest to Somerfield Street. In wet weather, the meeting point is outside the school hall. The daily roll call is taken every day before leaving the meeting point. The children walk back to The Homework Club with the staff and the daily programme begins.
There is a weekly plan on display at The Homework Club outlining what the children will be doing each week and every day. Parents are encouraged to discuss any issues, concerns or ideas with the staff. We like to work as a team to ensure the best for your child.

To book, please complete an enrolment form.
St Marks Church
Cnr Somerfield Street and Barrington Street, Somerfield
021 274 1961
(this phone is attended 2.30pm - 6pm week days only)
The Homework Club St Martins After School Care was established in 2004. The Before School Care opened Term 3, 2014. We are a member of The Oscar Network in Christchurch and have been approved by Ministry of Social Development. Our After School Programme has been approved for 40 children. The Before School Programme will have up to 20 children with two staff.
The children are met after school at 3.00pm in the St Martins School Hall.
There is a weekly plan on display at The Homework Club After School Care outlining what the children will be doing each week and every day. Parents are encouraged to discuss any issues, concerns or ideas with the staff. We like to work as a team to ensure the best for your child.

To book, please complete an enrolment form.
St Martins School
24 Albert Terrace, St Martins
021 274 1962
(this phone is attended 2.30pm - 6pm week days only)
The Homework Club Beckenham was established in 2002 and is a member of The Oscar Network in Christchurch. It has been approved by Ministry of Social Development. It has up to 40 children from Thorrington School. The children are met at school by 3.00pm.
The meeting point is in the HB19, HB20 classrooms (old classrooms) near the entrance to Sloan Tce. The daily roll call is taken every day at the meeting point.
There is a weekly plan on display at The Homework Club outlining what the children will be doing each week and every day. Parents are encouraged to discuss any issues, concerns or ideas with the staff. We like to work as a team to ensure the best for your child.

To book, please complete an enrolment form.
Thorrington School
22A Colombo Street, Cashmere
021 274 1960
(this phone is attended 2.30pm - 6pm week days only)